

The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds (1966)

I think I confused Pet Sounds with Smile, because I went into this record expecting it to be weirder. Maybe I first listened as a close minded punk rock kid and it was weird to me at the time. But it's not a weird record. It's a beautiful record. I don't recall it being so incredibly lush. I felt blanketed by it each time I hit play.

Of all the tools you can use to tell a story in music, harmony is my weak spot. I think/process/experience in rhythm and melodies. But harmony is so important, as it provides context to melody. Without harmony, the melody lacks emotion. All that to say that Pet Sounds is an absolute master class in harmony. I mean the melodies are ironic too, but the chord changes are just so insane and unexpected.

If I had to pick a favorite I'd go with "I Know There's An Answer." Lyrically, that one just hit me over and over again. I also love that the chorus doesn't feel like a chorus to me. It feels like a refrain. It also goes without saying that "God Only Knows" is one of the greatest songs ever written.

Great record. Loved every bit of this one.

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Jun 14Liked by Ryan Hunter

This album has an all time record opener in Wouldn’t It Be Nice. A quick intro, a snare drum, and boom, welcome to the record. Love that song, and particularly as an opener.

I admittedly don’t know a ton of The Beach Boys outside of this record and their hits. So when I first heard Sloop John B I was so confused by the lyrics. The Beach Boys/Brian Wilson singing about pirates drinking and fighting?! My brain exploded. Then I found out it was a cover and it made sense. Dig the song though.

I believe Paul McCartney said God Only Knows is one of the greatest songs ever written. Unsurprisingly, I don’t think Paul is wrong. Beautiful lyrics.

Also really dig I’m Waiting for the Day, I Know There’s an Answer, and Caroline, No (why did Caroline chop off her long hair, we’ll never know).

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Jun 14Liked by Ryan Hunter

I really thought this one was going to end with “anyway, Bill and Juliette are coming over for paella… gotta run” or something. You’re too cool to let yourself be intimidated. Besides, folks probably feel that way about you too.

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Jun 15Liked by Ryan Hunter

He said, we do not have a divine appointment today. ✌🏻

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