

WEEK #10

My Morning Jacket - It Still Moves (2003)

I missed out on the majority of the iconic indie rock bands. During the golden era of that scene, I was listening to music with far less subtlety. And I still love some of that stuff, but my ears were not mature enough to appreciate a band like My Morning Jacket.

What’s really cool about this record is that the drummer sounds like he came from my world. The dude is absolutely laying into the kit, hitting his cymbals the way I would play back when this record first came out. He’s not playing like an indie rock drummer (at least the ones I know of), but the drums are pushed so far back on the recording— so drenched in reverb and/or room sound that it works. I love that.

The vocal sound on this record is one I’ve spent a lot of time chasing. I read that they recorded vocals in an actual farm silo that belonged to someone in the band’s family, but I don’t believe that was on this record. But they might as well have been recorded in a silo cause they sure are verby.

If you’re reading this and haven’t done the record, just start with “Golden.” If that song doesn’t make you feel something, I’d be surprised. What a chorus. My god.

Great record, and great band.

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Here's 900 bones for a bootleg of Jim James at double tree before a show in Detroit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtkP6aQ_O-0

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This is incredible.

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"...can I stay here tonight?"

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Aug 1Liked by Ryan Hunter

this whole episode is worth a watch, even if american dad isnt typically your type of show. it's very very entertaining - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKjzrHxUjmI

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